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I Prayed have prayed
Father, let the fires of liberty that have been started by Canada’s truckers spread to the U.S. and inspire our people to stand up for their rights. Give us a renewed passion for freedom!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Freedom Convoy in Canada has sparked a similar movement in the U.S. that is reportedly expected to arrive in Washington, D.C on March 6. Your very own intrepid D.C. Insider expects to visit these protests in person, but in the meantime there are important prayer points and pieces of wisdom that can guide how we pray for this movement.

First, in case you’re unsure, this trucker movement very much deserves our prayer covering. This may be one of the most important protests in a long while given how it has impacted Canada, a supposedly free nation that has taken a sharp turn toward authoritarianism.

Canada’s government seized bank accounts, monitored Facebook pages and has now made arrests to combat the movement of truckers, which began to protest a vaccine mandate enacted in January.

Given that Canada is on our border and so entangled with our culture and economy, we’d be foolish to think their fall from freedom could not drag us down as well. In fact, we have already seen the same pattern emerge in our own country.

Notably, the Canadian government labeled the opposition as terrorist threats to justify their actions, something the Biden administration has already begun to do. The Department of Homeland Security warned that disinformation is a major threat to national security. In case you didn’t know, sites like this one and others that stand up to the authorities and defend liberties will likely qualify as “threats” as defined by the federal government.

These protests are standing for liberty, are facing persecution, and could easily be a preview of what is to come in this nation.

Insider Intercessory Information

We must pray for these protests to remain peaceful and to not be twisted by the media as violent or “insurrectionist.” The media and ruling class of Washington, D.C. were absolutely traumatized by Jan. 6, egged on by the incendiary news coverage. See how the New York Times described the Capitol in July article last year:

“In the immediate wake of the attack, Capitol Hill resembled a war zone, with a wide perimeter of razor wire-topped fencing patrolled by National Guard troops dressed in camouflage fatigues.”

On Jan. 7 of 2021, the city was gloomy. When I rode the underground metro train, nobody said a word. Faces were downcast.

Why do I tell you this? Because when the convoy of truckers arrives in Washington next month, the radical left and their false prophets in the media will likely do everything they can to equate the trucker protests to the “insurrection.” The “Freedom Protest” will soon become “Jan. 6 all over again.”

I know much of the media coverage of that day has been skewed, but regardless, as a resident of D.C., I can tell you the residents here saw Jan. 6 as another Pearl Harbor. That may seem laughable to some readers, but it is important context to know as we pray for these trucker protests. The city is sensitive and will be looking for any excuse to lash out at the Freedom Convoy.

Before we pray, I’d like to point out a lesson that the modern lover of liberty can learn from Canada, specifically concerning Justin Trudeau. Today’s tyrant is good looking, and speaks of peace and diversity even as he embraces tyranny. He smiles and promises your safety while quietly taking your rights through complex bureaucratic means. In the 20th century, tyrants were aggressive and angry, often wearing military uniforms. They quickly resorted to violence and strong arm tactics. Today, they are handsome and wear expensive suits. They are educated and eloquent, making them harder to spot and even harder to rally against. For the modern tyrant, the plan for violence comes later on, when it’s nearly too late for the citizenry.

With this in mind, let us pray:

-God save Canada! They are on the brink of authoritarianism, and many don’t seem to know it. Protect them from tyranny, and install new leadership that respects the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

-Father, let the fires of liberty that have been started by Canada’s truckers spread to the U.S. and inspire our people to stand up for their rights. Give us a renewed passion for freedom!

-Lord, protect Washington, D.C. and the protesters during these protests. Do not let any violence erupt, either real or manufactured, so that the city will be safe and the trucker movement will not be tainted. Wake up our nation to the severity of our situation, and mobilize the people of God to fulfill the will of God.

Verses to press into as you intercede on this issue:

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.” Ephesians 6:13

Casey Harper is a writer in the Washington, D.C. area covering national politics. He has worked for The Daily Caller, The Hill, and Sinclair Broadcast Group. A graduate of Hillsdale College, Casey’s work has also appeared in Fox News, Fox Business, Washington Examiner, and USA Today. Follow him on Twitter: @CaseyHarper33. Photo credit: Getty Images.

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Patricia Hampe
February 23, 2022

Hurray for such a brave, courageous Casey Harper who is willing to stand up for freedom and righteousness! Thank you very much sir!

Verna Knox
February 23, 2022

Father, I ask your angel army go before these truckers, and surround them. I pray for the police and the guard that will be sent out by the government, that You move in their hearts with mercy and peace. Cause them to leave the convoy alone or join them in the peaceful protest.
I pray for congress and the Supreme Court as they watch, to be moved with compassion for America and that You awaken a long dormant patriotism in their hearts that will not not protect the Convoy, but reshape legislation and bring down the tyranny that is trying to destroy America, Israel, and the world.
Let your Church Ecclesia watch and pray and participate. Bring a great revival into the Church and a great awaking among the citizens, old and young.
We declare: Jesus is Lord and God is Absolutely Good. We Declare: Peace and restoration to America, Canada, and all nations protesting the Global tyranny Satan is trying to perpetrate upon the world.

Marta Gallegos
February 22, 2022

Praying for all good hearted humanity in the world. We need Divine Intervention We allowed this to happen , complacency, Jesus is LORD Amen 🙏🇺🇸🇨🇦✝️🙌🕊️

Frank Mc Carley
February 22, 2022

Si se humillare mi pueblo, sobre los cuales ni nombre es invocado, y oraren, y buscaren mi rostro, y se convirtieren de sus malos caminos; entonces yo oiré desde los cielos, y perdonaré sus pecados, y sanaré su tierra.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    Marta Gallegos
    February 22, 2022

    Yes Amen I read this scripture when I had a leading from the HOLY SPIRIT And I sobbed uncontrollably and tightens on my chest left and Peace came this was about 2 Or 3 months ago Thank you for bringing it up again In Jesus’s Name Amen

February 22, 2022

Father God raise up an army of intercessors to pray for the Truckers Convoy in every city they pass through declaring Peace, The Shaloam Peace of Christ. Release your warring and guardian angels to cover them as they travel across the country.. Let the Christians involved demonstrate your Love and Power and draw many to you.

February 22, 2022

Father God raise up an army of intercessors to pray for this convoy in every city they pass through declaring Peace The Shaloam Peace of Christ.. release your warring and guardian angels to protect this event. Let the Christians involved demonstrate your Love and Power and draw many people to you . In Jesus name we pray.

Michele Ward
February 22, 2022

I didn’t mean to unsubscribe the Daily Devotion. Please continue to send these.

Carla J Sherman
February 21, 2022

“Bob Bolus, an organizer of one of the convoys, told local D.C. media that the plan is to “squeeze” the nation’s capital like a “boa constrictor” and shut down the city.”

This quote from one of the US convoy organizers concerns me.
I didn’t hear this kind of talk from the Canadian truckers. They were humble and emphasized being loving and cooperative and not blocking traffic. I wept for them as they were arrested and have been praying for them.

Am I mistaken?

February 21, 2022

Father God, please protect the truck drivers in Canada, and the truck drivers in our nation. Bless them with everything that they need. Let their eyes be open to see Your great power fight for them.
Psalm 123:4 “We have endured much scorn from the arrogant, much contempt from the proud.”
Your word says to “stand our ground,” and that’s what we will do, in the power of your Name. On behalf of our brothers and sisters who are truck drivers we stand in the gap for them —We ask that You Father God would give them wisdom and discernment to recognize the schemes of the enemy coming against them and how to stand strong against his work. Renew their hope, Oh Lord. Give them peace within their soul, knowing that You are in charge.
Jeremiah 30:23 “See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a driving wind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.”

Rev. Ronald Roland
February 20, 2022

Violence? How about 60,000,000 dead babies. Insurrection? How about trying to change girls into boys and boys into girls? Tyrants? How about the tyranny of false “gods” spiriting you away from Christ. Why should our Creator God have anything to do with us, so we can just go on, business as usual? All the United States and Canada are worried about is losing their soft, luxurious life style.
Here are two nations, founded on Christian morality who need to REPENT in sack-cloth and ashes, and get active in reversing these offenses before Christ – before it’s too late, it it’s not already!

Toni Kushner
February 20, 2022

Thank you for the clarity of the message, the focused prayer points. Let us declare into the atmosphere God’s Word for a peacable gathering. May a wall of fire surround this D.C. area and the Glory of God descend.

Linda Meyers
February 20, 2022

Lord may we fall on our knees and repent for going our own ways and not seeking Your face. You said to repent and turn again that our sins may be blotted out. You are calling Your Church to bow down and repent and then stand up and put on the armor of God and fight the good fight on our knees and wherever You speak for us to go.
You said You are commanding people everywhere to repent! May Your Church hear Your voice and repent and pray unceasingly for Your glory alone on this earth. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness and let us become the Church You want us to be… complete unity.
I pray for these truck drivers on their way to Washington D. C. I pray for their salvation and I pray many Christians are among them and go with them and speak the Word over them to do exactly as God directs. I pray they will not move unless they hear Your voice behind them saying….this is the way to walk. I pray safety for each truck driver and all those who travel with them. I pray truth and peace resides in their hearts and You have favor on them for each word spoken in peace and truth and justice. I pray for many salvations on the way to Washington D.C. May those who are already saved have their hearts broken for each on this trip who hasn’t met Jesus.
Lord, I ask for a miracle for these truck drivers from the USA. Will you please cause every believer to stand with them and cause all plans of evil to fall. As they travel, let them be thinking on You and exactly what You are directing them to do.
Lord, You gave us Your alive Word. Please let these truck drivers and all with them call upon Your Word to direct them. Your Word is above all else. Let humility sweep through all of them and let them seek Your face. Thank you all who are on this trip will draw near to You so You can draw near to them. May they all hear Your voice and walk in the humility and power of Your spirit. May their hearts so desire this country to go after You and may the American people all see their hearts as these trucks pass through each state on their way to Washington D.C. Have favor on them, Lord , for Your glory alone! I ask all this in Jesus’ Name.

marlene bickel
February 19, 2022

HOLD ON A MINUTE!!! Look at what is going on in Canada! Doesn’t this look like another “January 6 SET UP”? Anyone who knows any truck drivers should pass this info on to them and the event organizers. Think! If they really want to send a message to our elected officials, PARK THE TRUCKS AT HOME! No tickets. No arrests. No confiscation of private property. No abduction of children! No injuries due to police assault. No infiltrators to incite violence to ANYONE! No loss of license or insurance. And best of all, NO COST!!!! Stay home with their families and take a well deserved vacation. They deserve it! Big cities will cave well within a week as most only have a THREE DAY supply of food. It also has the benefit of keeping the drivers separated so that WHEN it’s time, things can be started up almost immediately! Pray and act accordingly.

Links related to this message.

    Linda Rivers
    February 19, 2022

    Marlene, I agree with your wisdom and warning. Three weeks after Jan 6 authorities showed up at participants’ homes and arrested them.

    February 19, 2022

    Truckers STAY HOME, PRAY, SEEK WISDOM, APPRECIATE TIME spent with your families, “TRUST THE KING of Kings!!!!!”

      Gabriela Email Kolinski
      February 20, 2022

      We can’t just sit and wait!! God wants us to participate when we need real changes. What the truckers are doing takes s lot courage!!! You stay home an pray!

Katherine Johnson
February 19, 2022

I haven’t read your whole article, but Canada has not fallen from freedom. Right now it may look like it, but they are fighting for their freedoms and will win. God is taking down Trudeau and his Government and raising up a whole new Government for them where they are going to have freedom. Trudeau isn’t that long on this earth. Listen to the prophets!

Bobbie Taylor
February 19, 2022


Regina M Grubbs
February 19, 2022

I support the nation if Israel.
I support all those who stand for our God given freedom .
And I support protecting Ukraine from being overtaken by communist.

February 19, 2022

The ruling class traumatized. Really!? How about elected officials and keep in mind this past election made them trip their hand at what they have allegedly been doing with elections for decades. The Beloved needs third heaven prayers and declarations. God is no respecter of persons, we are all the same to Him and are functioning parts of His body to establish His kingdom on earth, reach nations for Jesus Christ, not religion. I hope we start showing up and not fail like the believers who believed the lie and watched apostles die. Organizers need to stop broadcasting every plan and movement before it’s even completely organized unless it’s a countermove. Old Testament battles teach much, and the Art of War is read by most military leader, especially 3-letter agencies. This book describes the cold reality of war, not take back what was stolen, but to steal, to make wealth to control nations. Most of us know who they really belong to and He is in control of seasons and time. It’s time to let push for the Corporate Pharma to release all the research NOW. The doctors of opposition need to be heard now. They actually practice healing.

February 19, 2022

I wish just once, conservatives could plan an event without telegraphing everything there gonna do with times and dates. Alerting everyone just provides enormous amounts of time for the left winger’s to cause problems and disruptions. The element of surprise seems to be a foreign concept in the planning process.
Go Red….. Team Truckers.

Catherine Seybold
February 19, 2022

Freedom Convey Prayer: In God, I will praise His Word. In God, I have put my trust. I will not fear. What can man do to me? Psalm 56:4

February 19, 2022

It is instructive to see that the lowest death rates from COVID in the World are in African Nations that don’t have “nanny” State Governments trying to control the people (or even functioning Government in some cases). The vast majority of them have not been vaccinated, yet haved easily sailed through the “pandemic.” We need to get back to the basics of Bible study, prayer, and healthy living habits and get tyrannical Government control off our backs! Back off, big Government “elites”or the truckers will put you on a long fast! Lord, make us all willing to suffer and endure until these devilish mandates are lifted. Psalm 91.

Peggy Green
February 19, 2022

Dear God, thank you for brave men and women. Thank you for the Trucker Convoys that have become the midnight ride of Paul Revere, awakening our nations to tyranny and risking all to herald the cry to wake up or be lost. Heed our cry, Heavenly Father, as we fall to our knees imploring You, our Righteous Judge, for help. May this cry indeed wake our nation up to the lateness of the hour. In Jesus Name

Stephen Czerwinski
February 19, 2022

You can look for and expect our corrupt DOJ and Antifa to run another false flag operation against the truckers like they did on January 6th. They will incite, violence, chaos and lawlessness in order to justify further crackdown on our civil rights. These Truckers must be aware and be prepared to document US Government malfeasance. Make no mistake, the USG is in a state of rebellion against the highest law in the land—our Constitution. Pray accordingly.

Emma-Louise Bussey
February 19, 2022

May Yahweh overwhelmingly bless the Trucker Convoys throughout the world!!!

    Nancy Berkey
    February 19, 2022

    May God put a hedge of protection around these convoys and prevent them from being arrested and locked up for “no weapon formed against them shall prosper,…..”, in the Name of Jesus Christ our God.

Priscilla Meyenburg
February 19, 2022

Phil: 4-13 We can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength. God can give us strength, guidance to pray for this new development of Convoys. If the truckers pray also and heed to the guidelines of PEACE it will be successful. Cannot have any trouble makers. Jesus can send Angels to protect them, US if we ask him. God needs to intervene, because the Administration, Leftist will find some major Lie to cause trouble. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ Praying for protection, wisdom, peaceful attendance. We must pray against the BLM, Antifa to show up and blame the truckers. Jesus we ask for directions for these Truckers. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✝️✝️✝️ Praying with the Flash Point Army.

Joseph Blanton
February 19, 2022

My, how times have changed since the farmers clogged the streets with their tractors. And when snow fell they cleared the streets because D.C. public works couldn’t be bothered. The take away from this is that in spite of the protests nothing changed. That can not be the case with this protest. This is a critical point in America. If the progressives succeed in overthrowing our constitutional republic we Americans will lose our rights and become nothing more than a vassal state of China. We were called for such a time as this. Pray without ceasing!

February 19, 2022

Thank you for these prayers! When God’s people are disheartened these are so helpful to have and to pray! Keep posting and praying!

February 19, 2022

I am very concerned that the police in Canada are now trying to provoke violence on the part of the truckers. I just saw a video with peaceful protesters being pushed and shoved by police! They know that the minute a trucker responds, they can attack, injure, and destroy their cause. Please pray that no trucker resorts to violence, and that there are no infiltrators in their ranks, as there were on January 6th!

February 19, 2022

I am very concerned that the police in Canada are now trying to provoke violence on the part of the truckers. I just saw a video with peaceful protesters being pushed and shoved by police! They know that the minute a trucker responds, they can attack, injure, and destroy their cause. Please pray that no trucker resorts to violence, and that there are no infiltrators in their ranks, as there were on January 6th!

Barbara Janicki
February 19, 2022

We know how this has played out recently – the burning, destruction and death (ie. David Dorn, for example) in cities across our country through-out the summer of 2020 and beyond, were consistently labeled “mostly peaceful protests” meaning nothing to see here, move along. The reality was quite the opposite. But the media says perception is reality, so they count on whatever they tell us being accepted by us as truth. But I doubt the people whose businesses were burned down and looted and whose neighborhoods were destroyed believe those were peaceful protests, not the violent, crime ridden, illegal, destructive riots that they actually were. I say all that to say, now we are seeing the opposite in Canada, peaceful protests are being labeled something else, (domestic terror) which then opens the door for prosecution, seizing their bank accounts and so on, which is what happens in dictatorships – the government prosecutes and destroys anyone and everyone who speaks up for freedom (just look at those still in jail for Jan. 6th, and no one in jail for real crimes committed – arson, theft, murder – during the riots of 2020) Prayers for this upcoming convoy in DC to be protected and peaceful. However, this administration will continue to gaslight us using the media, to tell us it is something other than what it is. Like Jan. 6th, they will pay agitators to incite violence while posing as a part of the freedom convoy. The truth will be suppressed because they control access to it and people will have their accounts frozen etc. Funny, none of the 2020 rioters had their assets seized? People need to believe the reality they experience, (gas prices, inflation, the border, mandates in the name of keeping us safe (from what?) and so on) We are called to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves – I pray the truckers are peaceful and let God protect them from the lies of the media, may they have the support of even the DC residents if they are not already too brainwashed to see the truth right before their eyes.

Gina Marie Howerton
February 19, 2022

We are Praying for you ALL. GOD”s hand is on us ALWAYS. He is WITH us.

February 19, 2022

I pray that all the countries in NATO will rally to defend this small nation.
Please spread real truth and your righteous to every corner, street, building, and the peoples hearts. Your son is the king of kings and the Lord of Lords.

Remco Brommet
February 19, 2022

As an additional threat to democracy, similar protests (not involving trucks) on the Museumplein in the heart of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, that took place a few months ago resulted in police actions involving riot gear, horses, water canons and dogs. Politicians alledged that the demonstrations were mostly the work of conspriracy theorists and people out to cause mayhem because they are bored. With its multi-party system, The Netherlands is considered one of the most democratic nations in the world, but, as one of my Christian brothers, lamented: “We watched democracy being taken out from under us.” I believe these reactions to the people voicing their opninions to be dry runs for a more totalitarian control, taking people’s freedoms away for the sake of national interst, as we move further into the End Times.

“Father, help us keep our eyes open, understand the signs of the times, make hastte with taking the gospel to the ends of the earth, and be strong and resilient in our faith! Amen.”

February 19, 2022

Father I ask you to gather all who go to DC and any other State Capitals under your protective and peaceful coverings. I lift up every single person young and old that they are and will be the shining light of Jesus Christ.I ask that through each person you have 7 more that show up wanting to know about you and why you are the single most important thought as they support our God given rights to freedom our truckers and our countrymen in Canada are all over the world. In your son Jesus name I pray.🙏

Nancy Wilson
February 19, 2022

Oh Father,
We do pray for the Truckers and all who are trying to stand up. Lord we commit these gatherings to You Lord, asking that this would result in a mighty move of Your Spirit. Lord we do want freedom in Canada and the USA and for all people but what we desperately need is the freedom that comes from knowing Your Son-Yeshua- salvation, transformation, repentance, revival. Lord our eyes are on You, we ask for a turning to You for the nations, those in authority and all the people too. Lord, strengthen and equip us to be as laborers in the field, for the harvest is great and people need You. Lord, please thwart the plans of the enemy to kill, steal and destroy and may Your hand protect all the Truckers, families , all those who are standing up.

February 19, 2022


February 19, 2022

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.” Ephesians 6:13
I pray that people begin to stand firm in their beliefs. The truckers showed us how to do just that in Canada. We need to stand firm in order to make any kind of impact. I long for the days that we didn’t have to worry about an “Agenda” towards socialism, peaceful discussions, patience to hear each other even tho we may not agree, respect for each other. Please dear GOD bring peace to all nations and people.

February 19, 2022

Heavenly Father, I pray for supernatural protection for the truckers in Canada and also the ones in America. Let Your liberty prevail for the sake of the next generation. That will be filled with your spirit, and become the Nation that our forefathers coved with you. One Nation Under God!!!

    Susan CC
    February 19, 2022

    “for the sake of the next generation…” Yes, Gabriela! My hearts desire is the health and well being of all children: mine, yours, in the womb, in loving homes, unwanted….Please Lord, let Your liberty prevail for the sake of the little ones. In the Beautiful Name of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus. Amen

Anthony Gaby
February 19, 2022

I continue to pray for Canada as well as the United States of America…which both our founder had placed God first and foremost..and with these battles I pray 1 Samuel 30:8 30:18. -19..David inquired at the Lord, saying,”Should I pursue after this raiding party? Will I overtake them?” So David recovered all that the Amalekites had taken, and David rescued his two wives. Now there was nothing missing,from the smallest thing to the greatest,neither sons,nor daughters,or plunder,or anything which they had taken. David brought back ALL of it.

Daryl Linkous
February 19, 2022

Pray fervently for the brave men and women who are dropping everything to roll into DC. This IS an insurrection – an insurrection like the American Revolution – one to throw off the chains of injustice. Canadians were decent and orderly – the Americans will arrive dressed for battle. Pray that it does not come to that. Also pray that Biden and Harris are removed, because their removal will force the puppet masters into the open.

    February 19, 2022

    YES LORD!!!
    I pray that everything be brought into the light. Scatter your enemies and bring down the leaders in Washington DC. Biden and Harris and Pelosi. Let what they have done fall on their own heads.
    May they come to know you Lord because they have no where else too turn. I pray for their salvation.
    Lord turn this nation back too you. In Jesus name. Amen

      Susan CC
      February 19, 2022

      “May they come to know you Lord because they have no where else to turn”. Yes Adele may they turn to the Lord and be saved!

    Nancy Berkey
    February 19, 2022

    I’ve been praying forthe removal of all theevil rulers and God replaces them with God fearing people who will follow God’s Word and the Constitution. 🙏🇺🇸

February 19, 2022

The actual leaders of the USA are NOT in D.C. Why are they sending a convoy there? They should send it to Wall Street.

Susan CC
February 19, 2022

🎵May God shed His grace on thee and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!🎵 One more prayer for the truckers, here and in Canada and one more prayer against all the acts of lawlessness that that the enemy is currently juggling worldwide.

Psalm 140 personalized
Psalm 91:14-16

Dear Heavenly Father, rescue this nation from evil men and women and protect us from violence. Guard us Lord from the hands of the wicked and keep us safe from those who scheme to make us fail. I say to You, “You are our God,” and I ask that You hear this cry for help. You are the strength of our salvation and You are able to deny the enemy any success. May these plans be destroyed as well as all the efforts of the deceitful who prosper in this land. You uphold justice and defend the cause of those in need. And because we love You, You say you will rescue us and protect us. I am calling on you now and know You will answer. I pray You will be with us in this and all our troubles and thanks to Jesus Christ, we know Your Salvation. We praise Your Name and only seek to dwell in Your presence. I pray not only for America and Canada but for each nation of the world. May salvation come to east and west, north and south. May all of creation praise the Name of The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Mae Joseph
February 19, 2022

Father in Heaven,
I pray for all who were arrested, beaten and had their property damaged. I pray Lord this makes them more determined and better prepared to continue their fight for freedom from tyranny and injustice, I pray that tyrant Trudeau is made to step down and jailed for all his crimes against humanity.
Father let other convoys learn from the Canadian experience and be successful in their protest. Beware of false flags. In Jesus name Lord have your hand in this and let your justice reign, All glory honour and praise to you Lord. In the name of the Lord of Lord and King of Kings we pray, Amen

Judy Brooks
February 19, 2022

Dearest Lord Jesus we pray for Your peace, to infiltrate this situation. We bind any schemes of the devil and tactics of death destruction, mayhem , confusion, lies . We ask for your ministering angels and warring angels to be sent into this situation. We bring the souls of saved and unsaved truckers before you to be guarded with the peace that passes all understanding. And for the infection of your Holy Spirit to turn their hearts to your saving grace. Put a hedge around this entire situation. And quench the firey darts of the evil one. In Jesus’name.

Gary Maxwell
February 19, 2022

I think the American freedom convoy is a trap. It will provide the administration for an excuse to institute martial law. There is no way the people in power want another election. They will do anything to keep that from happening.
I think Trudeau will never lift the emergency powers. The current U.S. administration is looking for an opportunity to do the same thing.
There will be “plants” of BLM and Antifa people to have confederate flags and swastikas. The people that watch the mainstream media will swallow those reports hook, line and sinker.
Please pray that this convoy is cancelled so that Washington doesn’t have an excuse to institute martial law throughout the country.

    His Beloved
    February 19, 2022

    Yes- we saw what happened to peaceful protestors on Jan 6 that were warmly ushered into the Capitol by the police! The evil narrative has been shamefully blatant in calling these Patriots who want just honest elections violent. Yes there were plants by the opposition- but even the author of this article refers to it as Pearl Harbor? Seriously?

    Father help us to know how to fight the tyranny!!! Strengthen us and give us Your wisdom!
    This nation is falling down a terrible path and only You know how it can be saved. Amen.

    February 19, 2022

    Gary, you’re doing a lot of thinking and worrying, particularly about things you have no control over, but our God does! Fear not, when we are about God’s work. Standing against oppression is God’s work, when we glorify Him and His Word.
    Christians need to be “wise as serpents”, and your comment about “plants” is spot on.
    There are ways to manage these threats, seeking God’s wisdom and blessing being the greatest of all.
    100% cowering isn’t a sustainable one. God doesn’t ever command us to cower before man, nor does He want us to hide our light amongst man.
    FYSA, declaring Martial Law isn’t an authority that the President of the USA has. POTUS can only act when the existing sovereign (governor, mayor, etc.) declares they are incapable of dealing with an emergency, and the cede power to the Federal Government. Don’t think even Bowser wants to admit that she can’t handle her job.

      Roxanne Rice
      February 19, 2022

      Since when does this administration worry about what it does or does not have the authority to do?

Kathy Hibdon
February 19, 2022

God put this in my heart a few days ago to pray for our truckers. That not only would they continue to go forth on this protest but their lives would be changed…that revival would break out amongst them

February 19, 2022

Father we come before Your throne we humble ourselves before You declaring decreeing and proclaiming that we the people will Rise Up from complacency that as Christians we unite take a stand for our freedom given to us by our Almighty Father. If we do not we will be in bondage. We are Victorious when we collectively take a stand and rise up against darkness. Father we ask that your Holy Spirit will be present with the Truckers and may your Name be glorified. Thank you Father for answering our prayers to Save America and the Nations Amen

Bill Pezzutti
February 19, 2022

So true Casey!!!

Angela Wilson
February 19, 2022

Thank You, Father, that there will be much training for this upcoming Freedom Convoy in D.C., and great godly wisdom given during this training. There will be no distractions, just like Nehemiah and his people. They will be equipped and prepared with their spiritual weapons of warfare and not distracted by the “Sanballats”, “Geshem’s”, and “Tobiah’s” in building this proverbial, fortified “wall” of freedom in this nation.

I thank you for the presence of angels, guardian and warring, to be in the midst of these PEACEFUL protesters 24/7. We come against satanic plants, plots, and schemes of violence and decree and declare that they are bound. Cut off at the pass!

I thank You, Father, that you debilitate – in every way, form, and fashion – ALL human minions of the enemy that he would try to plant in these protests to bring violence, confusion, and mayhem. It will not prevail! It will not even form!

We decree that justice and freedom will prevail for us in this nation. It was hard won and we will not lose or give up this ground!

We present these petitions to You, Father, in the name of Jesus the Christ, amen!

Stephen Hiller
February 19, 2022

Yassar Arafat dressed the part of a terrorist. His replacement came in wearing a business suit, and everyone thought Abbas could be dealt with diplomatically. They have proven to be two sides of the same coin.

Carole Rithaler
February 19, 2022

May this movement be done in the Name of Jesus … under God’s banner … empowered by God’s anointing … and protected by the blood of Jesus. May ALL the Glory go to God.
With out God it will only be a parade, but WITH God it will be a mountain moving, world changing event.
May God bless and save America.

Debbie J Russell
February 19, 2022

Yes Lord! Let the fires of Liberty that have been started become Your Fires! Let it ignite all across this land in many ways and means. If You are for us who can be against us! 🔥

Joseph Sullens
February 19, 2022

Let me be clear.
If a Canadian citizen contributes money to IFA, their bank accounts could be seized and they could be arrested for ‘domestic terrorism.’
I am praying that this action will be reversed in Canada and I am praying that it will not happen here in America.
I am vulnerable because:
I am a veteran (USMC)
I am a conservative
I am on Social Security
I use VA medical
I am enrolled in SNAP
I am enrolled in Section 8 housing
I no longer have my own transportation
I would appreciate prayers for me as I stand against the enemy and against tyranny.

    Laura Alison McMurtry
    February 19, 2022

    Praying for you Joseph that God will protect you and your provision my brother. will always be there for you. Thank you for your service.

    February 19, 2022

    Lord bless your son as he stands for you., in Jesus name, Amen

    Judi Schloss
    February 19, 2022

    God is pleased Joseph and I pray for continued angelic protection over you.
    Peace peace wonderful peace coming down from the Father above.
    Thank you for your service to our great nation 👏 👍 🙏

Salem Zahn
February 19, 2022

Heavenly Father
We come to you in prayer asking for restoration of our God given and blood bought freedom. Be with the trucker convoy as they traverse this country to show that We The People are mighty in Your strength and wisdom! Cover them with Your protection. Provide them with sustenance and strength for the freedom journey. Bring low the haughty rulers that seek to subdue their citizens. Cause a repentance in their hearts when they open their eyes and see that their earthly thrones are toppled. Replace these earthly leaders with godly representatives of governments that seek after Your heart and Your counsel and Your will and Your commandments. Remove the Pharoahs’ and drive their armies into the sea. Thank you Lord Jesus/Yeshua that you are the Lord of Hosts! You are mighty and lifted up! It is In You and You alone that we live and breath and have our being. Thank you for Your shed blood that redeemed our lost souls and saved us for Your good pleasure. Amen

February 19, 2022

Please show the world this is still one nation under God. Protect the trucker’s and our nation. Free Canada. And Canadians unjustly arrested. This is ask in his name.

Esther Egan
February 19, 2022

Be with the truckers here in America, Canada, and France as they bring awareness to the situation facing out countries that we are losing our freedoms and liberties. God bless the truckers especially the Chiristans.

Kathie Welch
February 19, 2022

Thank you for the wisdom and insight of this article. This is an important protest for the freedom of every American, regardless of ideology. Please pray for the safety and protection for all the truckers, their families and the whole process. We take nothing for granted but lift it all up to our almighty God.


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